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Tag Archives: Tree

Types of Binary Tree | Binary Tree Introduction

August 1, 2018
Posted by Abhi Andhariya

This is the third article in the tree data structure series. In our previous two articles, we have seen some of the tree data structure terminologies like Nodes, Edges, Root, Parent, Children, Leaves, Siblings, Degree of Tree, Path, Level, Depth, Height and sub tree.  In this article, we will discuss difference between tree and binary tree. We […]

Tree Data Structure Terminologies – Set 2

July 2, 2018
Posted by Abhi Andhariya

In our previous article on Tree Terminologies, we have seen basic tree terminologies like Nodes, Edges, Root, Parent, Children, Leaves and Siblings. In this article, we will understand Degree of Tree, Path, Level, Depth, Height and sub tree.  Degree Total number of children of a node is called Degree of that node. The Degree of […]

Tree Data Structure Terminologies – Set 1

July 1, 2018
Posted by Abhi Andhariya

In this article, we will discuss one of the important non-linear data structure in computer science, Tree. Many real-life problems can be represented and solved using Tree data structure.  In this article, we will understand basic tree terminologies like Nodes, Edges, Root, Parent, Children, Leaves and Siblings. In next article on tree terminologies, we will see  terms […]

Heap (Min/Max Heap)

March 31, 2017
Posted by Dipen Adroja

What is heap? Heap is a balanced binary tree data strucure where the root-node key is compared with its children and arranged accordingly. Max Heap: Root element will always be greater than or equal to either of its child element( see the image on left pane). Min Heap: Root element will always be less than or equal […]

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