Private methods in Interface | Java 9
In this article, we will see another JDK9 feature i.e. Private methods in Interface. Everybody knows how humans have evolved from apes, but do you know how did interfaces evolve in Java? Before reading about any Java 9 Features, it would be good if you can think about what are those possible reasons which encouraged Oracle […]
Java 9 Features
Java 9 has been released on 21st Sept, 2017. In this article we will look into some of the most awaiting java 9 features with examples. You can download JDK 1.9 from here based on your OS Platform requirements. Some of the important java 9 features are: JShell: The Java Shell (Read-Eval-Print Loop) Convenience Factory Methods […]
JShell: The Java Shell and REPL | Java9
In this article, we are going to understand one of most discussed feature of Java9 i.e. JShell. It was started as project Kulla and included in Java9 release. You can download JDK 1.9 from here based on your OS Platform requirements. Oracle Corporation is trying to integrate most of Scala Features into Java. They have already integrated some Functional Programming […]
Producer Consumer Design Pattern
Producer Consumer Problem is a classical concurrency problem. In fact it is one of the concurrency design pattern. It is also known as the bounded-buffer problem. The problem describes two processes, the producer and the consumer, who share a common, fixed-size buffer used as a queue. The producer's job is to generate data and put it into […]
Producer Consumer Design Pattern using BlockingQueue
Producer Consumer Problem is a classical concurrency problem. In fact it is one of the concurrency design pattern. This article is continuation of my post Producer Consumer Design Pattern in which I have explained basic idea, real life example, uses and benefits of Producer Consumer Design Pattern. Producer Consumer Design Patter can be implemented using following two […]
Producer Consumer Design Pattern using wait() and notify()
Producer Consumer Problem is a classical concurrency problem. In fact it is one of the concurrency design pattern. This article is continuation of my post Producer Consumer Design Pattern in which I have explained basic idea, real life example, uses and benefits of Producer Consumer Design Pattern. Producer Consumer Design Patter can either be implemented using following […]
N Queen Problem Using Recursive Backtracking
N Queen Problem is the problem of placing N chess queens on an NxN chessboard so that no two queens attack each other, for which solutions exist for all natural numbers n except n=2 and n=3. A solution requires that no two queens share the same row, column, or diagonal. It is more general form of inital Eight queens problem, where we need to […]
Graph Search – Depth First Search
We discussed about basic search mechanisms for Graph and Breadth First Search(BFS) in previous article. In this article we will start with basic definition of the Depth First Search(DFS). Depth First Search(DFS): In depth first search, we start from the root node then traverse the graph layerwise until we reach the leaf or dead end. In short, One […]
Graph Search – Breadth First Search
In Our previous article about Graph, we have seen the different ways to represent the graph. we have a way to represent this unstructured data structure. Now question arise is how I will traverse through this given graph structure. There are main two methods which we will use to traverse through graph. Breadth First Search […]