Code Pumpkin

Code Editors for Web Development

August 16, 2018
Posted by Suyash Purwar

Let's talk about the code editors which you will need for JavaScript and also for entire Web Development. There are hundreds of code editors for web development out there. We will narrow this long list of code editors down to 5 code editors.

Code editors are those softwares where a programmer spends most of his time. Basically, code editors are softwares that are used for writing and editing code.

There are two types of code editors:

  1. IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and 
  2. Lightweight Editors

1) IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

IDE is a giant and powerful software application that provides a lot of facilities. As the name suggests, IDEs are not just simple editors, but a full-scale development environment.

Features of an IDE: 

  • Built-in Terimail: Every IDE provides an integrated terminal. It is not necessary to leave IDE for executing commands. This feature saves a lot of time, saves us from continuous switching from IDE to the terminal and back and forth.
  • Autocompletion: This feature is literally a life saviour, it is not necessary to write the whole word now and that is due to the mercy of this great feature. As the name suggests, this feature completes the word by itself but all this happens only after taking out permission.
  • Customizable: IDEs are perfectly adjustable to suit our coding style, from shortcuts and visual themes to tool windows and editor layout.
  • Version Management System: Version management systems are a category of software tools that help software teams to manage their source code over time. Version control software keeps track of every change in code and keeps a backup of that in a special kind of database.

Popular iDEs:

2) Lightweight Editors

These editors are just used to open and edit a file. "Lightweight editors" are not as powerful as IDEs, but they are blazingly fast, simple and elegant. Lightweight editors offer a plethora of plugins which saves you a lot of time and makes development easy.

Popular Lightweight Editors:

My Preferences

In my early days in programming, I preferred Atom and Sublime 3. I love to code on  Atom till now because of its feature of customizability. Nowadays I prefer to code on Visual Studio Code. Both of them are fast, powerful, simple and elegant and comes with thousands of plugins, colour theme. 

Javascript Editor

Most of the time when I am working on a big project, I use VS Code and Sublime 3 together. I prefer to use VS Code for writing backend code because it offers us an embedded terminal which saves a lot of time and Sublime Text 3 mainly for HTML and CSS part.

I would highly recommend you to go with Atom or VS Code. Both of them are very flexible and highly adjustable to your coding style. 

Don't think too much about what to choose and what not to. Just choose one and if you don't like it just switch to another one. It's that easy.

    That's all for this topic. If you guys have any suggestions or queries, feel free to drop a comment. We would be happy to add that in our post. You can also contribute your articles by creating contributor account here.

    Happy Learning 🙂

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    About the Author

    A tech guy who loves to code and design edge-cutting websites and mobile apps. I'm open source enthusiast and a delicious coffee maker

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