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Tag Archives: x vs y

C++ Introduction | C vs C++

September 19, 2018
Posted by Amit Kushwaha

This is an introductory article for C++ and Object Oriented Programming Concepts. We will also learn uses of C++ and difference between C and C++. Basics of C++ C++ is a general-purpose, case-sensitive language that follows Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Concept and it was developed at AT & T Bell laboratories in the early 1979s by […]

How is Java different than other programming languages?

September 8, 2018
Posted by Indu Malik

Hello Developers, In this article, I have explained many things regarding Java and I have also explained some important features of Java which played important role for making Java different and better than other programming languages. Now, without further ado, let's dive right into it. A bit about Java Java is a programming language, it […]

Types of Binary Tree | Binary Tree Introduction

August 1, 2018
Posted by Abhi Andhariya

This is the third article in the tree data structure series. In our previous two articles, we have seen some of the tree data structure terminologies like Nodes, Edges, Root, Parent, Children, Leaves, Siblings, Degree of Tree, Path, Level, Depth, Height and sub tree.  In this article, we will discuss difference between tree and binary tree. We […]

Hashtable vs SynchronizedMap vs ConcurrentHashMap

Java Collection classes are heart of Java API.  It is essential to use built-in java collections like HashMap, ArrayList or LinkedList for accessing, storing and processing data in java applications. For Example, we have extensively used HashMap to transfer data between two layers of our MVC framework.   In all core java interviews, you will definitely face questions on […]

View vs Materialized View | Oracle SQL

September 10, 2017
Posted by Abhi Andhariya

Every Java Developer is expected to have basic knowledge of database like SQL Queries, joins, having clause, group by, views, stored procedures, cursors, triggers, etc. If you are preparing for Java / J2EE interview, you should also prepare basic SQL interview questions. In our previous article on SQL interview Questions, we have seen differences between UNION and UNION […]

Interface vs Abstract class in Java

July 7, 2017
Posted by Abhi Andhariya

Interface has been evolved a lot in last two releases of java. Refer interface evolution in java for the same. However, there are still many differences between interface and abstract class. It is one of the most asked interview questions for entry level java developer interviews. Even though both are used to achieve abstraction in java, there are significant differences […]

Defining and Starting a Thread | Thread VS Runnable

Java threads are objects like any other Java objects. Threads are instances of class java.lang.Thread, or instances of subclasses of this class. In addition to being objects, java threads can also execute code. Creating and Starting Threads Here is the code to create a Thread and start its execution. // Creates Thread Object Thread thread = […]


May 28, 2017
Posted by Abhi Andhariya

Though both UNION and UNION ALL is used to combine results of two SELECT queries, the main difference between them is that UNION doesn't include duplicate records, but UNION ALL does. Another difference between them is that UNION ​ALL is faster than UNION , but may look slow because it returns more data which takes more […]

CountDownLatch Vs CyclicBarrier | Java Concurrency Utilities

CountDownLatch Vs CyclicBarrier : Though both are used as a synchronization aid that allows one or more threads to wait but there are certain differences between them that you should know in order to know when one of these utilities will serve you better.  As per the java.util.concurrent API,  CountDownLatch: A synchronization aid that allows one or more threads to […]

interrupt(), interrupted() and isInterrupted() in Java Multithreading

In this post, we will understand about interrupt(), interrupted() and  isInterrupted() methods in Java Multithreading. If you are interested in reading more about interruption mechanism you can look into our post InterruptedException in Java Multithreading. In Java, thread starts its execution when we call start() method on Thread object. It internally calls overridden run() method. Thread is said to be terminated when […]

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