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Tag Archives: Set

Performance Issue with HashSet RemoveAll() method

October 12, 2017
Posted by Abhi Andhariya

In our previous article on HashSet internals, we have seen internal implementation of its add(), remove(), contains(), clear(), iterator() and isEmpty() methods. One of our readers has raised question about How efficient is HashSet removeAll() method? As it requires detailed explanation, we have decided to write separate article on it.   What does removeAll() method do? Before going into internals of […]

Convenience Factory Methods for Collections | Java9

April 19, 2017
Posted by Abhi Andhariya

In this article, we will see another JDK9 feature Convenience Factory Methods of Collections  to create compact, unmodifiable collection instances with single line of code.  You can download JDK 1.9 from here based on your OS Platform requirements. If you are also interested in learning other features of Java9, you can read our post Java 9 Features   Available Approaches for initializing collections till […]

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