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Tag Archives: Java9

Interface vs Abstract class in Java

July 7, 2017
Posted by Abhi Andhariya

Interface has been evolved a lot in last two releases of java. Refer interface evolution in java for the same. However, there are still many differences between interface and abstract class. It is one of the most asked interview questions for entry level java developer interviews. Even though both are used to achieve abstraction in java, there are significant differences […]

Private methods in Interface | Java 9

April 20, 2017
Posted by Abhi Andhariya

In this article, we will see another JDK9 feature i.e. Private methods in Interface.  Everybody knows how humans have evolved from apes, but do you know how did interfaces evolve in Java?  Before reading about any Java 9 Features, it would be good if you can think about what are those possible reasons which encouraged Oracle […]

Convenience Factory Methods for Collections | Java9

April 19, 2017
Posted by Abhi Andhariya

In this article, we will see another JDK9 feature Convenience Factory Methods of Collections  to create compact, unmodifiable collection instances with single line of code.  You can download JDK 1.9 from here based on your OS Platform requirements. If you are also interested in learning other features of Java9, you can read our post Java 9 Features   Available Approaches for initializing collections till […]

Java 9 Features

April 17, 2017
Posted by Abhi Andhariya

Java 9 has been released on 21st Sept, 2017. In this article we will look into some of the most awaiting java 9 features with examples. You can download JDK 1.9 from here based on your OS Platform requirements. Some of the important java 9 features are: JShell: The Java Shell (Read-Eval-Print Loop) Convenience Factory Methods […]

JShell: The Java Shell and REPL | Java9

April 17, 2017
Posted by Abhi Andhariya

In this article, we are going to understand one of most discussed feature of Java9 i.e. JShell. It was started as project Kulla and included in Java9 release.  You can download JDK 1.9 from here based on your OS Platform requirements. Oracle Corporation is trying to integrate most of Scala Features into Java. They have already integrated some Functional Programming […]

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