Code Pumpkin


What is magic number CAFEBABE in java class file?

November 29, 2017
Posted by Abhi Andhariya

Java Compiler compiles a java source code into bytecode and stores it into .class file which will then get executed by JVM. Everybody knows about it. But do you know each class file in Java starts with magic number CAFEBABE?  compelling, isn't it? πŸ˜€  After reading this article, you will be able to answer below questions: […]

Find from where java class is loaded | Class Loader SubSystem

November 1, 2017
Posted by Riteeka Rathod

In previous article, we discussed about 3 activites of Class Loader SubSystem i.e. Loading, Linking, Initialization and its Types of Class Loader  i.e. Bootstrap Class Loader or primordial Class Loader, Extension Class Loader, Application Class Loader or System Class Loader. We have also seen how these Class loader uses Delegation hierarchy algorithm  to load Classes into memory area. In this article we'll discuss more about Class Loader and how […]

Types of Class Loader | Delegation Algorithm | JVM Internals

August 13, 2017
Posted by Riteeka Rathod

In previous articles, we learned about JVM architecture and one of its component Class Loader SubSystem. In this article,  we will discuss about Types of Class Loaders and How Class Loader uses Parent delegation Algorithm to load the class. If you have not gone through previous article on JVM Internals, I would encourage you to read that first. […]

Class Loader SubSystem | JVM Internals

August 5, 2017
Posted by Riteeka Rathod

​In our previous article of JVM internals series, we learned about what is JVM, basic architecture of JVM and briefly understood its components. In this article we will discuss in detail about Class Loader SubSystem component of JVM architecture . Class Loader SubSystem Java’s dynamic class loading functionality is handled by the Class Loader SubSystem. […]

JVM Architecture Introduction | JVM Internals

July 26, 2017
Posted by Riteeka Rathod

Being a java developer, it is expected from us to have basic knowledge of JVM architecture, as it enables us to write code more efficiently. Also from the interview perspective JVM architecture, Class loader subsystem, JVM memory management are frequently discussed topics with 3-5 year experienced java developer. If you are able to answer these questions, you will create good impression […]

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