Code Pumpkin


Statements, Semicolons and Comments in JavaScript

September 12, 2018
Posted by Suyash Purwar

Hello JavaScript Devs, I am back with another blog which will introduce you to some very basic features of JavaScript. In this article, I have discussed statements, semicolons and comments in JavaScript. Before diving right into our main topic, we will study about alert() function. Let's get started… alert() function alert() function is used to display popup box with ok […]

Where to place JavaScript code?

August 25, 2018
Posted by Suyash Purwar

This is the first blog of JavaScript Fundamentals series. In this series, I will explain very basics and fundamental concepts of JavaScript.  In this article, I will explain the basic building blocks of JavaScript. I will be explaining about where should we put the JavaScript code in our HTML page. You will also learn about external […]

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