Code Pumpkin

Mediator Design Pattern

June 11, 2017
Posted by Abhi Andhariya

Mediator Design Pattern is one of the Behavioral Design Pattern. With the Mediator Design Pattern, communication between objects is encapsulated with a mediator object.

Objects no longer communicate directly with each other, but instead communicate through the mediator. This reduces the dependencies between communicating objects, thereby lowering the coupling.


GoF Definition: Define an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interacts. The mediator pattern promotes loose coupling by keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly, and it lets you vary their interaction independently.


A mediator is the one who takes the responsibility of communication among a group of objects. The mediator acts as an intermediary who can track the communication between two objects.

The other objects (also known as Colleagues) in the system are also aware of this mediator and they know that if they need to communicate among themselves, they need to go through the mediator.

The advantage of using such a mediator is that we can reduce the direct interconnections among the objects and thus lower the coupling.

Before Mediator Design Pattern

Dependency Before Mediator Design Pattern

This complex interaction between objects creates dependency and tighter coupling. If we want to achieve loose coupling, we need to reduce dependency as much as possible.

After Mediator Design Pattern

Dependency After Mediator Design Pattern

The mediator is the communication center for the objects. When an object needs to communicate to another object, it does not call the other object directly. Instead, it calls the mediator object whose main duty is to route the messages to the destination object. 

Real-Life Example

1) Air Traffic Controller

Air traffic controller (ATC) is a mediator between flights. It helps in communication between flights and coordinates/controls landing, take-off.

Two flights need not interact directly and there is no dependency between them. This dependency is solved by the mediator ATC.

If ATC is not there all the flights have to interact with one another and managing the show will be very difficult and things may go wrong.

Mediator Design Pattern Real Life Example ATC

2) Traffic Light Signal

When one light turns ON, rest other have to be turned OFF.

If each light will communicate with another lights to changes their state then it would be highly coupled and difficult to maintain.

By introducing Light Mediator which is responsible to hold object reference of all other light and communication task, the design becomes flexible and de-coupled.

We can add any color light and remove it when ever we want that too at run time.  

Mediator Design Pattern Real Life Example Traffic Light

Java Implementation

Let's Implement above Traffic Light Signal Mediator Example using Java.

import java.util.HashSet;

public class MediatorDesignPatternDemo {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		LightMediator lightMediator = new LightMediator();
		Light red = new Light("Red", lightMediator);
		Light green = new Light("Green", lightMediator);
		Light yellow = new Light("Yellow", lightMediator);


 * When any light turns ON in traffic Signal, 
 * Light Mediator turns OFF other lights.
class LightMediator {

	// Using Hashset to achieve uniqueness in light color.
	HashSet<Light> trafficSignal = new HashSet<>();

	 * register passed light object in LightMediator
	 * It is being called by constructor of Light class.
	 * We can also explicitly call this method.
	public void registerLight(Light light) {
	 * unregisters light from LightMediator
	public void unRegisterLight(Light light) {

	 * Turns off all the lights other than 
	 * passed light Object
	void turnOffAllOtherLights(Light light) {
		for (Light l : trafficSignal) {
			if (!(l.equals(light))) {

	 * When any light turns ON, it calls this method
	 * to notify mediator. Light mediator will turn OFF 
	 * all other light by calling turnOffAllOtherLights(light)
	 * method
	public void notifyMediator(Light light) {

 * Represent light in traffic signal i.e. Red, Green or Yellow light
class Light {

	 * represents the turn ON and OFF state of light
	enum State {

	private String color;
	private State currentState;
	private LightMediator LightMediator;

	 * Creates Light object and register it to LightMediator
	Light(String color, LightMediator LightMediator) {
		this.color = color;
		this.LightMediator = LightMediator;

	 * Turns ON the light and notify mediator for the same
	void turnON() {
		currentState = State.ON;
		System.out.printf("%s is turned %s \n", this, currentState.ON);

	 * Turns OFF the light
	void turnOFF() {
		currentState = State.OFF;
		System.out.printf("%s is turned %s \n", this, currentState.OFF);

	 *  It is  generated using its String property 
	 *  color's inbuilt hashcode() method
	public int hashCode() {
		return color.hashCode();

	 *  Uses its String property color's inbuilt hashcode() method
	public boolean equals(Object obj) {
		Light light = (Light) obj;
		return color.equals(light.color);

	 * returns light color
	public String toString() {
		return color;


Red is turned ON 
Yellow is turned OFF 
Green is turned OFF 
Green is turned ON 
Red is turned OFF 
Yellow is turned OFF 
Yellow is turned ON 
Red is turned OFF 
Green is turned OFF 

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Mediator Design Pattern VS Observer Design Pattern

In the original book that coined the terms Observer and Mediator, Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software it says that the Mediator pattern can be implemented by using the observer pattern.

A comparison between the mediator pattern and the Observer Design Pattern shows some similarities and some clear differences.

Similarity : Both patterns facilitates the communication between objects, and both decouples the link between the sender and the receiver.

Difference : The main difference is that in the Mediator Design Pattern there is the notion of the participants and they communicate with each other using the mediator as a central hub, whereas in the Observer Design Pattern, there is a clear distinction between the sender and the receiver, and the receiver merely listens to the changes in the sender.

For Example:

Observer Design Pattern: Class A, can have zero or more observers of type O registered with it. When something in A is changed it notifies all of the observers.

Mediator Design Pattern: You have some number of instances of class X (or maybe even several different types:X, Y & Z), and they wish to communicate with each other (but you don't want each to have explicit references to each other), so you create a mediator class M. Each instance of X has a reference to a shared instance of M, through which it can communicate with the other instances of X (or X, Y and Z).

Existing Implementation in JDK

Note : Read our article Threadpool using Executor Framework to know more about above mentioned ExecutorService class.

That's all for this topic. If you guys have any suggestions or queries, feel free to drop a comment. We would be happy to add that in our post. You can also contribute your articles by creating contributor account here.

Happy Learning 🙂

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About the Author

Surviving Java Developer, Passionate Blogger, Table Tennis Lover, Bookworm, Occasional illustrator and a big fan of Joey Tribbiani, The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones...!!

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